04:16 AM

Ohio State offers experts on diet, exercise and performance

Two College of Education and Human Ecology kinesiology faculty are experts in how diet and exercise are important both for athletic performance and quality of life. Both researchers have worked extensively with media and are available for interviews.

Steven T. Devor, associate professor of kinesiology, Department of Human Sciences, Devor.3@osu.edu, http://eslab.ehe.osu.edu/

Devor has presented programs at the Arnold Sports Festival and often is a guest speaker at professional and community workshops on “Exercise is Medicine: Writing the Prescription.” He emphasizes the medical importance of exercise throughout our lives. Inactivity, which has become a national health emergency, is a root cause of many health problems. To help combat this trend, Devor will shares elements of a medically sound exercise program, which includes aerobic activities and resistance training. He has appeared in Men’s Health and numerous other publications.

Jeff Volek, professor of kinesiology, Department of Human Sciences (Available Friday and Sunday only)

Volek.1@osu.edu, http://ehe.osu.edu/human-sciences/directory/?id=volek.1

A world-renowned expert in low-carbohydrate diets, Volek focuses on the role of ketogenic diets in athletic performance and recovery. His research aims to understand how ketogenic diets change fatty acid composition, lipoprotein metabolism, gut microbiome, gene expression, adaptations to training and overall metabolic health. He also has performed seminal work on dietary supplements including creatine, carnitine and whey protein. He recently was quoted in the New York Times article, “Should Athletes Eat Fat or Carbs?”