18:00 PM

Titan Arum Alert: Another "Corpse Flower" About to Bloom at Ohio State

Biological Sciences Greenhouse Coordinator Joan Leonard confirmed another Titan Arum seed planted in 2001 is about to bloom. The Titan Arum, aka "Corpse Flower," is exceptionally rare, even in the wild. Less than 40 U.S. institutions (among them, 18 universities, including Ohio State and Wisconsin--only two in the Big 10) have been able to bloom a Titan since its intro to the U.S. in 1937.

This new Titan, named Jesse (for Jesse Owens) is the sibling of last year’s bloom, Woody (Hayes). More than 5,000 people lined up in April, 2011 to see – and smell, Woody. Projected bloom: Week of May 21-25. Watch Jesse’s progress, get latest info and updates at: http://bioscigreenhouse.osu.edu/titan-arum

Media Contact: Sandi Rutkowski, Communications Director, College of Arts and Sciences: 614-292-4759 (office), 614-561-1407 (cell), or email: Rutkowski.1@osu.edu.
Please do NOT contact the Greenhouse directly