04:37 AM

Ohio State campus life scores high on new student survey by The Princeton Review

The Ohio State University ranks as one of the nation’s best colleges for undergraduate education, according to a new report by the Princeton Review.

Ohio State is one of 382 colleges featured in the education services company’s 2018 college guide. The university scored high on the quality of life on campus as well as academics and admission standards. Ohio State was ranked 14th of the 382 schools for alumni activity and visibility on campus.

The Princeton Review surveys more than 137,000 students across the country, more than 350 per campus, to help produce the report. The survey asks students to rate their schools on several topics and report on their campus experiences. Topics range from their assessments of their professors as teachers to opinions about their school's career services.

“Ohio State really wants to offer students the most it can, including providing some state-of-the-art facilities and unique opportunities on campus to engage in the community,” wrote one student. “The school is very committed to bringing Ohio State students into the world as educated individuals.”

The survey found Ohio State students enjoyed the university’s great library and career services, the food on campus, and the city of Columbus.

“Students here are open to different types of people—there is little or no discrimination. Diversity is valued here,” another student said in the survey.

The Princeton Review is an education services company that offers tutoring, test-prep courses, books, and other student resources. It is not affiliated with Princeton University.