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Statistical Summary - 08/16/93

The Ohio State University
Statistical Summary
Aug. 16, 1993

Enrollment (Autumn 1992)
All campuses            58,585
   Men                  30,305
   Women                28,280
   Undergraduates       44,911
   Graduate students    11,035
   Professional students 2,639
   Ohioans              48,363
   Foreign students      3,461
Columbus campus         52,183

Minority Enrollment (Autumn 1992)
(omits foreign students)
Total minorities    5,863   10% of total enrollment
  African Americans 3,209   5.5% of total enrollment
  Others            2,654   4.5% of total enrollment

Historical Information
Established by Legislature  1870
First classes taught        1873
Received present name       1878
First graduating class      1878
Degrees granted through Spring 1993  421,850

Acreage (Sept. 1992)
Total                16,580
  Columbus campus     1,644
  Airport             1,378
  Golf courses          295
  OARDC & ATI*        5,935
  All others          7,328

Buildings (Oct. 1992)
Total                   783
  Columbus campus       339
  OARDC & ATI*          279
  Regional campuses and
   other locations      165

Academic Structure
Colleges                19
  Undergraduate         14
  Professional           5
Schools                  7
Graduate School          1
Departments            102
Courses (approx.)   11,700

Large U.S. campuses (by enrollment, Autumn 1992 figures)
Ohio State University, Columbus           52,183
University of Texas, Austin               49,253
Arizona State University, Tempe           44,024
Michigan State University, East Lansing   40,047
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities      38,019
University of Wisconsin, Madison          37,878

The question of size frequently arises.  To the best of our
knowledge, the Columbus campus of Ohio State is the largest
single campus in the United States.  Ohio State is not the
largest university -- several others (including City University
of New York and Miami-Dade Community College) which have multiple
locations in one city are larger.  So are others which have
multiple locations within a state, such as the University of
California and the State University of New York.  The list above
includes some of the largest universities which are comparable to
Ohio State in curricula, mission and organization.

Tuition and Fees (quarterly, for the 1993-94 academic year)
Ohio undergraduates (Columbus campus)   $980
Ohio undergraduates (regional and ATI)  $945
Non-resident undergraduate            $2,957
Ohio graduate student                 $1,422
Non-resident graduate student         $3,694
Room & board (typical plan)           $1,399
Average cost of all fees for one year $8,257
(3 quarters, for an Ohio undergraduate.  Includes tuition, room &
board, health insurance, parking, football & basketball tickets)

Employees (as of November 1992)
                                        FTE*           Headcount
Faculty (includes clinical,
  Extension, libraries)               4,065               4,461
Administrative & Professional Staff   6,738               7,414
Civil Service Staff                   5,932               6,179
Student employees                     4,844              11,511
Total                                21,579              29,565

Annual Payroll, 1992-93    $636.3 million
(Estimated for all employees, except short-term wages employees)

University Budget, 1993-94
(as adopted by Trustees on July 12, 1993)
Total income                   $1.376 billion
  State appropriations               $336 million
  Other government                   $163 million
  Student fees                       $236 million
  Hospitals                          $381 million
  Auxiliaries (residence halls,
   Athletics and others)             $102 million
  Other income                       $156 million
Total expenditures             $1.367 billion
  Instructional & General            $610 million
  Separately budgeted research       $159 million
  Public service                      $66 million
  Scholarships & fellowships          $54 million
  Auxiliaries                        $108 million
  Hospitals                          $383 million
  Additional resources and/or
   budget cuts needed to balance      $15 million

Research spending, 1991-92
Total                     $165.93 million
  OSURF*                  $134.28 million
  Engineering Exp. Stat.    $7.90 million
  OARDC*                   $17.00 million
  Children's Hospital
    Reserach Foundation     $5.29 million
  Other                     $1.99 million

Total University and Foundation Endowment
arket value as of June 30, 1993     $493.2 million

Fund raising, 1992-93
  Donors           80,403
  Receipts    $89,200,327

OARDC = Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
ATI = Agricultural Technical Institute
FTE = Full-time Equivalent
OSURF = Ohio State University Research Foundation

Compiled by:
Ruth Gerstner
Office of University Communications
1125 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212
(614) 292-8424

Next update due in mid-November.  Will include autumn 1993
enrollment statistics and updated data in other categories.

[Submitted by: GERSTNER  (gerstner@ccgate.ucomm.ohio-state.edu)
Tue, 17 Aug 93 10:40:44 EST]
All documents are the responsibility of their originator.